Head injuries are among the most medically and legally complex claims a head and brain injury lawyer can handle and are also among the most common causes of death and permanent disability.
There is no such thing as a minor head injury. Medical science continues to evolve as doctors identify long-term consequences of what may have been previously diagnosed as minor injuries, including concussions. In the worst cases, head injuries can lead to death, leaving families to deal with dependency and death benefits.
The number of head injuries, including traumatic brain injuries, has risen dramatically in recent years. About 1.7 million cases of TBI are diagnosed each year. Costs associated with treatment, care and rehabilitation, can be astronomical, approaching $60 billion annually. The average TBI work injury claim is about $136,000, compared to $51,000 for other lost-time work accidents. More than one-third of these costs occur after the first year, making it particularly critical for victims and families to ensure their claim is taking into-account long-term costs and consequences of injury.
Work accidents are among the most common causes of head injuries and traumatic brain injuries. Seeking the advice of an experienced New Orleans workers’ compensation attorney as early as possible is the best thing you can do to protect your rights and the financial well-being of you and your family.
While proper diagnoses and medical care are critical to making as complete a recovery as possible, so too is determining the full extent of injury and disability, as well as the likelihood of long-term consequences of a head injury.
Common types of head injuries suffered as a result of a work accident include:
Work-related head injuries most commonly result from falls, being struck by equipment or object, and motor-vehicle accidents. Blast or concussive injuries are also common causes in some occupations.
Depending on the severity and location of a head injury, a victim may suffer loss of muscle strength, motor control, loss of senses, and changes to personality and behavior. Long-term medical and rehabilitative needs typically include physical, occupational and speech therapy.
Identifying all medical and rehabilitative issues, as well as long-term consequences of a work-related head injury, is critical to making a comprehensive claim for damages. In addition to workers’ compensation claims, a third-party liability claim may be pursued if other liable parties can be identified, such as an at-fault driver, property owner, or other contractor. Early consultation with an experienced New Orleans workers’ compensation attorney offers the best chance of protecting your rights and financial well-being while ensuring all of the resources necessary for medical treatment and rehabilitation are made available to you and your family without delay.
If you have been injured, call day or night for a free and confidential consultation to discuss your rights. Call 985-202-9907.